The Idea of a Memoir (Part One)

Photo Credit: Princeton Public Library


The idea of writing a memoir keeps coming to mind time and time again.  Why should I write one?  Who would want to hear my story anyway? And, what the heck the difference between a memoir and autobiography?

I found this that proved quite helpful:

Photo Credit: Susan Calder

And to break it down to the actual characteristics of a memoir:

Photo Credit: Linkedin Slideshare (Click on image for original source)


My next challenge is what to write about.   So much has happened over the course of my life, I don’t even know where to begin.  I went to my Twitter and started to browse through my tweets for the last year or so and I discovered two tweets where I managed to condense my life down to six words:

Unraveled by losses; rebuilt by love.


Life. Just tears in the rain.


The word “losses” is definitely one of the main themes of my life.  But, who would want to read about them?

The losses weren’t just about death though that covered a good portion; there were anger and self-hatred, anxiety and depression, abuses of different kinds, setbacks, and on and on.  I don’t want to write this memoir as a pity-party for myself or to show how I was a victim and somehow beat the odds…

No, no, no!

I suppose I want to write the memoir, detailing certain events and losses, and telling a reader who may need to “hear” that yes, I survived these, and so can YOU.

The bottom line is never giving up.

No matter what.







  1. I like your thought process so far and your message – never give up. I encourage you to write your story and don’t worry if others will want to read it. Just concentrate on getting your first working draft down on paper.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I think memoir can be therapeutic for both the writer and the reader. It’s important to remind yourself that you got through certain events and it’s uplifting for others to know how you did it.

    Liked by 1 person

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