#NaNoWriMo #IWSG: Finding Inspiration

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NaNoWriMo Time!

It’s November and many of you are probably participating in the NaNoWriMo. I am as well. And so far, I’m not off to a very good start sitting at just a little over 3,000 words. Granted, my actual goal for this project isn’t to write 50k but 12k words so if I take that into consideration I’m actually right on par.

I’ve been doing NaNo on and off since 2008, and with each of them I tend to run out of steam in the next week or so.

The dreaded “muddle middle.”

Finding Inspiration To Keep It Going

The key is not to give up on the story, but find inspiration to jump start the writing process. Here are a few that I’ve used:

!. Create a playlist or soundtrack of your novel.  This works for me nearly every time. You can use You Tube or Apple Music to set up a playlist.  Pandora is another good one.  I use mainly You Tube. What about you?

2. If your story was to be made into a movie, which actors/actresses would you want to play the parts of your main characters? I am in the process of doing this for my NaNo project.  I will post on this later.

3. Pick one or more characters and interview them.  Sometime it’s just a matter of getting to know your main characters better that will jump start the creative juice.

4. Create a trailer for your project.  I love doing this!  I use Kizoa to create trailers for various projects.  This can help you flesh out the major plot/character arcs of your story.


Now, what about you? What methods do you use for inspiration?



  1. This will be my 4th NaNoWriMo. I first attempted it in 2015 and got a little over 20,000 words down. I hit 50,000 in 2016 & 2018. I have to admit, the rush I felt from hitting that goal was kind of amazing because I didn’t think I could do it. NaNoWriMo also helped me to finally stop over editing my work as I’m drafting. There’s literally no time for that!

    This year I was daunted by the idea of trying NaNoWriMo because life is just busier. I’m working for the first time since my first child was born, and I’m also homeschooling three teenagers and juggling that with their busy dance rehearsal schedule. So I scared to add more.

    I’ve found that the hardest part is making myself sit down at the computer. Once I do that, I can eventually start getting words down. Your tip for finding music to write to is actually one I use regular when I write. My playlist changes frequently depending on the mood of what I’m writing. I also find it helps to make sure I’m not hungry, because I makes me cranky and unfocused. 😂
    And if I’m stuck, I’ll sometimes go back and read other things I’ve written. This helps remind me of why I keep putting words to paper. I inevitably find one sentence or paragraph that I can’t believe was actually written by me and think to myself, “Wow, that’s not too bad. You should keep chasing this dream.” Weirdly enough, it helps.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, you are one busy lady! 🙂 Oh I heartily agree with you on NOT to write on an empty stomach! So distracting! Yes, I have had the same experience where I’ve gone back to an older work I wrote and wondered who the heck wrote this only to realize that it was me. Each time, it felt so surreal as if it was another person who wrote the piece.

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      • Fortunately not every single day is packed. I have a few days that are a bit more flexible. But I worried about getting behind on the super busy days and then feeling overwhelmed trying to catch up. But so far it hasn’t been too bad.
        That’s cool we’ve had similar experiences! I’m always glad to know I’m not alone, lol.


  2. My NaNoWriMo goal isn’t 50k either. It’s 30k and my goal is to write the middle portion of my story. I’m doing the same novel from last year but practically starting from scracth.

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  3. I usually find listening to music (before I write), as well as images, really help my motivation. Best of luck with your NaNoWriMo project!

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