Life’s Battles and Writing

It’s so easy to let life in general stop you from writing or even reading.  Distractions from the home front (especially if you have children) and/or the work front abound in every corner.  They sap your time and energy.

But, what if you’re also dealing with other things that not everybody goes through?  A child with a life-threatening illness, or even your own?  A progressive disorder that’s causing you to lose one or more of your body’s abilities?  How do you cope with these and find the energy and time to write or read?  Do you even want to?

As an artist, I believe it would be even more important to continue with your creative endeavors.  But, I can only speak from my own personal experience.

I’m going blind.   Over time, I’m finding it increasingly difficult to read and write.  Depression assaults me constantly, and I’d stop doing everything which only makes me feel worse.  Misery would grow ’till I break down and write (or read) something, anything; only then do I find relief from the pain however temporary.

I’ve come to realize that I need to create, no matter what.  Even if  I completely lose my sight.  I must find a way to continue writing (and reading); else life would lose its value.

And I can’t allow that to happen.




  1. I’m so sorry to hear about this, but you have to create, no matter what. I think I heard there are special computers for people with vision problems. As for reading, there are audibooks. Don’t give up. Beethoven lost his hearing, but kept composing.


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