#IWSG: Book Titles Vs. Character Names

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This month’s question: What’s harder for you to come up with, book titles or character names?


For me, the book titles (or for any type of stories, short or long) are more difficult to come up with.  A title has to encompass the theme and message of the story, giving the reader some idea of what it may be about.  Because of this, it takes a while to come up with a title that “feels” right.  Many times I end up giving a story a working title until I can come up with a better one.

With some stories, any title I gave never felt right.  For these, I usually set them to one side for a while in the hope that the right title will magically pop in mind.  It does happen, but rare.  I’d end up settling for one that I could live with, and move on.

What about you?  Which one is more difficult for you to come up with a name?


  1. I think it varies for me. Book titles I never hash out until the end because often a phrase or words in the book leap out saying “I’m your title.” Ergo I start with just a working title as a reference frame. Characters are the same. Some leap out as they develop. I’ve had a few name changes as a result. Mind you coming up with elf or dwarf names is trickier for me!


  2. I haven’t done too much serious writing, but titles are always a struggle. Names can be tricky, depending on the theme but yeah, titles.. Even for blog posts they can be hard to think of.


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