#WEPFF #WEP The Harvest (#Poem #Poetry)















*This is my entry for the Challenge above


The Harvest


Last week we took the ATV
Down the dirt road to survey the fields
Brimming with corn, wheat, and beans

Daddy said it was going to be the best harvest yet
We’ll finally be able to pay the past dues
And save the fledgling farm

Mother Nature
Oh how we tend to forget about her
At times

She has no mercy, she does not care
Man is nothing but a nuisance
An unnatural specimen in a natural world

Since that day of his joyous declaration
She ravaged the fields with a fury my Daddy never saw before
Ruthless, savage like a shark in a frenzy

This morning, I stayed inside but
I watched as Daddy soberly walked those same fields
His shoulders slumped, his head low

The best harvest turned out to be our worst,
And his final
God rest his soul


(Word Count: 142; NCCO)

*This was inspired in part by the recent destructive weather we’ve endured up here in North Dakota with September being the wettest on record, and the freak but historic snowstorm/blizzard on October 10-12 where two feet of (or more) snow blanketed the fields that have only been partially harvested. This may turn out to be one of the worst year for farmers in decades.


  1. City dwellers are quite often unmindful of how weather events, which are mere irritants in the cities, are life and death issues for others out in the countryside. Very compellingly portrayed in your entry.

    Thank you for posting for WEP.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We should respect Mother Nature, for she has no respect for us. Farmers are the unsung heroes of our nation, waging war against the elements with no assurance of victory.


  3. This poem is wonderfully written and so heartbreaking. Nature can throw you curve ball after curve ball. Farmers know that all too well. Thanks for sharing this poem with us!


  4. So tragic and real. An eloquent reality-check to those of us who live away from nature and rely on the land to make our living. How easy it is for many of us to downplay the destructive nature of the weather. Poignant.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You wonder how many times your poem is the actual story of what happens around the world. Weather is so fickle, and seems to be more horrific each year. I feel for our farmers. Nice job.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Carrie Ann – oh how I feel for the farmers in the situations you describe … they do so much for us. We just can’t forward think the yearly weather. Your description of the father … rang so true – desperate.

    Your part of the world sounds as though it’s had its fair share of difficulties recently, as too EC in Australia – where fire is the word of horror. Excellent poem … very evocative – I hope your farmers can get help and rectify their resources a little.

    Congratulations on the poem of sad times … Hilary

    Liked by 1 person

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