Galena’s Cafe #WEPFF #WEP #Writing #Poetry

WEP Feb Challenge












Galena’s Café

Once a refuge for Jorge and I

After blue death stole our missionary parents


Returning when desert fox threatened

To meet my brother, one final time

Eating, laughing over our Saleps


As I stand here now

Among broken tables and chairs

I feel as abandoned as this place


My body, no longer youthful

Vivid images of bygones fill my mind

Memories can’t be stolen, only given



Its name, Healer

Its walls, balm for one’s brokenness


A place, for a time

Shone as a beacon for those in darkness

Now darkened, damaged


She shall be renamed Anastasia

Like a phoenix, she’ll rise from the dust

and be that healing light once more



*Author’s Note: Galen’s Cafe is a fictional place set in London during the 1920s to 1960s period.

Type of Critique: NCCO


  1. Beautifully written! It may be fictional, but it sounds like a real place, one we’ve all visited at one time or another. Shared feelings, shared losses, shared hopes!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the final lines – ‘Like a phoenix, she’ll rise from the dust

    and be that healing light once more’. Hope enshrined in your words. Like Yolanda says, it seems a real place, not fictional, so that says something of your talent.

    Thanks Carrie Ann for posting you healing poem for our WEP CAFE TERRACE prompt. Like many excellent entries, this will linger with me.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I particularly liked the imagery in

    ‘As I stand here now

    Among broken tables and chairs

    I feel as abandoned as this place’

    and I also liked that it ends on a hopeful note. The Cafe as a metaphor for the wider world. Hope it does manage to throw off its problems and rise again. Well crafted poem and a great take on the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi,
    Your rhythm is heavy in this poem giving it sorrow like in a requiem. It sets the stage for the sadness and sorrow over things that once were and are no more. Your last three lines bring in a beacon of light turning the poem from sorrow to revitalization. Galena will be rebuilt and stand again under a new name.
    Very well done. I like the way you transitioned the poem into joy.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A feeling of loss, things gone and lost, weighing heavily on the heart. But then, light at the end of the tunnel with the hope of resurrection. I loved how you put together the essentials of life. Loss and hope. Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I didn’t understand all of the contextual references (blue death, desert fox, etc.) on first reading, but nevertheless, it affected me emotionally and I really enjoyed the lyrical quality and the sad yet hopeful tone of the piece. I love the last three lines especially, and the name Anastasia is a great choice that links perfectly with the meaning.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you kindly! 🙂 It’s a period piece if you will and I realize that not everyone will get the metaphors. “Blue death” refers to Cholera which was a common illness/disease back in the early 20th century. “Desert fox” is a nickname for World War 2. Thank you for visiting!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the lines:
    „A place, for a time
    Shone as a beacon for those in darkness“
    That is all we can hope for, short or long that time might be.
    Thank you for an emotional journey with hope at the end.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Carrie Ann – I didn’t realise the connotations with the names, but guessed them … and had realised the cafe had been bombed (or that’s what I thought) … and thus the phoenix could in due time rise again. But well done in a few words …especially as you’re in the USA and the setting is London … cheers Hilary

    Liked by 2 people

  9. A poem with hidden gems, Carrie Ann – and the ‘vivid images of bygones’. I sense this is the tip of a world taking shape. Will we see more? I’m reaching out for that ‘balm’. Blue death = cholera was new to me, while ‘desert fox’ made me think of WW2, specifically Rommel, the Desert Fox.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Roland! This was originally an idea for a short story but then I realized what I had planned at that time might require a novella to do it justice. To make it fit for this challenge, I stripped it down to its bare essentials and wrote it as a poem instead. Glad you enjoyed!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I can’t see my first comment, so here’s another one! I love the hope at the end even though there is so much sadness. But that is such an accurate fact of life. Sadness happens, pain happens, but to survive make sure that you keep a tight hold on hope!


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